Cars From Dura Lube 400:

It looks like jerry nadeau's car from the dura lube 400 had a dale earnhardt logo near the quarter windows too.

I'm a bit unsure of what logo schrader has near his quarter windows but could also be an earnhardt logo. Second photo was the car the next day.

A little update on ward burton's car from that race, he seems to have the earnhardt logo that was on gordon's car near the HOBAS logo.

Mike wallace also has the earnhardt logo. Same design that was on neither gordon's car or rusty's car.

Robert Pressley's car had and earnhardt logo aswell. Second photo is just for reference of the grille tape.

Jeff burton seems to have an earnhardt logo on his a-pillar too, same as the one used on ricky rudd's car.

Sterling Marlin also has an earnhardt logo on his c-pillar.

Bobby labonte had an earnhardt logo under the b-pillar. I suppose aswell tony stewart had this same earnhardt logo under the b-pillar that day.

kurt busch also has an earnhardt logo underneath his b-pillar (ironic, the previous week he was flipped off by earnhardt)

Kenny wallace has somesort of logo on his c-pillar. Might be another earnhardt logo, main point is most cars that weekend had atleast one earnhardt logo.

edit: I screencapped this from the race, It's most likely he had an circle earnhardt logo.

This is casey atwood's car. Since his car has a circle earnhardt logo on the c-pillar, i suppose bill elliott has one too.

Nemechek also has an earnhardt logo on his c-pillar.

Hut Stricklin has a circle earnhardt logo on his c-pillar.

Update on dale jr's car, his b-pillar had somesort of dark circle thing. Not sure if it was part of a decal or if it is like that usually.

Rick mast has an earnhardt logo on his b-pillar.

Buckshot jones' car had the text "Building Products" underneath the georgia pacific logo on the hood. The one i currently have doesn't have that text.
Whewww, Lots of details i found, probably took me about an hour lol.