Here's a very interesting paint scheme that I'm not sure has been replicated yet, and it involves two of my biggest interests! This is the paint scheme that Regan Smith piloted during the 2016 New Hampshire 301, promoting Nikko's new Thomas and Friends toy. (Made for the MENCS '17 Mod)
After browsing through Jayski's 2016 Cup Paint Schemes page, I put the 20 schemes I had an interest in painting, onto a Wheel Decider website and this scheme was the last one standing from those 20. Enjoy.
Base: Myself
Template: FCRD
Contingencies: FCRD, Google
Logos: Google...
This was pretty much one of the designs that I always appreciated and enjoyed but had a tough time trying to paint it and even trying to make it on NASCAR 15, until now with this upload. Enjoy.
(Based on the Homestead finale scheme, hence the Granny Jan namerail)
Base: Myself...
A Dale Jr 2016 Nationwide Chevrolet Halloween Scheme based from his Primary car but the colors are different.
Base: @Stunod
Sponsors: Me/PbR/Adam (Stunod) [Nationwide/Axalta/TaxSlayer/Mtn Dew]
You will need 7-Zip to extract these cars to your Gen6BR or Gen6BR15 cars folder. These are the custom paint schemes that were used in my NROL Aquafina Cup Series.
BigEvilRacing for the templates and numbers
Google Images for the logos
Teejay Handley at Th Designs for 20 of the cars
This is a 2048×2048 Chevy template to be put on the BigEvil Template. This base file will only have the base layers to the paint scheme not the actual template. BigEvil template only used for Presentation purposes! (Credits: Base – Me, Logos: Google and me, Render: me) Numbers are not including...
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