
  • You DO NOT need an account in order to download the content that we host....ONLY make an account if you plan to be an ACTIVE member.
  • After a lot of thought and conversations within the community, we’re happy to announce that Stunod Racing will not be shutting down. The incredible support we’ve seen from all of you has played a huge role in this decision, and we’re truly grateful to everyone who values and contributes to what makes this community so special.

    We’ve been exploring ways to manage the costs of keeping Stunod Racing up and running, as the current expenses felt unsustainable. We considered moving conversations to Discord or creating a standalone site for file hosting, but those options didn’t really fit what most of the community wants or the experience we aim to provide.

    Here’s the plan moving forward: Stunod Racing will remain open, but we’ll be making some changes to how files are hosted. There will be a few upfront costs during this transition, but these updates will help reduce our expenses over time and make things more manageable in the long run. We’ve been working with a few members and programmers to figure out the best solutions, and while there are still some details to iron out, we’re confident we’re heading in the right direction.

    Thank you for sticking with us and being patient as we work through these changes. With your support, we’ll ensure Stunod Racing continues to be a place for creativity, collaboration, and connection in the racing community.

    Stay tuned—we’ll share more updates soon!

  • We DO NOT Allow Multiple Accounts, those people found to have more than one linked to their IP address Will be Banned.
  1. NicoCars

    Kyle Busch 2020 M&M's Messages scheme pack 1

    Credits: Logos: Google and some Stunod users. Template: Splash n' go Base scheme: Antigordo (modified by me) Can't remember if i need any more credits. Here are Kyle Busch's 2020 M&M's Messages schemes that were supposed to run in 2020 but never ran because of the you know what. (tho it did run...
  2. Daliz

    (Throwback) Kyle Busch "Fictional" #8 M&Ms Car (Updated) 2.0

    Template by: Camo Designs Number Decal: Via Google Search (colored by Daliz) Wheels by: Rob D. All Other Decals: Via Google Search
  3. MamaLuigi

    M&M's Halloween 2007 win $1,000,000 font

    So you've probably seen the Yates Racing Halloween cars I did for at first the COT and eventually the Gen 4 and one glaring flaw is the fact that the text that says "You could win $1,000,000" is blurry because the best picture I could find of the text was on the picture of a truck below. I also...
  4. MamaLuigi

    2007 Yates Racing Talladega Halloween cars 1.0

    These two paints were driven at Talladega by full-time Yates driver David Gilliland in the 38 and Mike Wallace in the 88 who was subbing for an injured Ricky Rudd who was recovering from a wreck at Fontana about a month prior. These paint schemes (Gilliland's at least) were also used on gen 4...
  5. BLyonsDesign

    Hendrick Motorsports/Mars What If Pack 1.0

    In the mid 90's, Mars, who had already been an associate sponsor on all 3 Hendrick cars, approached Hendrick Motorsports about potentially sponsoring a 4th full time car. They weren't ready to expand at the time, so instead Mars sponsored the MB2 Motorsports #36. But what if HMS had been ready...
  6. Krfluggs

    Kyle Busch's M&M's Test Car 2024-01-01

    been running out of steam recently when it comes to scheme making but I decided I'm going to try to not get outta it and made just a simple car Credits: Base: Me Logos: Google Numbers: BigEvilRacing
  7. andy_desingz

    2007 David Gilliland M&M's/Sam's Club - Texas II (Cup) 2023-12-25

    Credits: Template: Zone15 Numbers: BER Logos: Google Contings: Ward Burton Fan Base & Painting: Me
  8. andy_desingz

    2007 David Gilliland M&M's Dark - Aaron's 499 (Cup) 2023-12-25

    Credits: Template: Zone15 Numbers: BER Logos and M&M's Characters: Google Contings: Ward Burton Fan Base & Painting: Me
  9. andy_desingz

    2007 Ricky Rudd M&M's - Pepsi 400 (Cup) 2023-12-25

    Credits: Template: Zone15 Numbers: BER Logos: Google Contingences: Ward Burton Fan Base & Painting: Me
  10. NicoCars

    Kyle Busch 2021 M&M's Never Stop Summering Scheme 1

    Credits: Base Paint Scheme: Antigordo Logos: Google And Some Stunod Users Here is Kyle Busch's M&M's Never Stop Summering Scheme That He Ran At The 2021 All-Star Race Sorry If I Have Been Posting Too Many Kyle Busch Cars. It's Just That I Really Like These MARS NASCAR Schemes. (no i'm not...
  11. CamryBunny

    Kyle Busch #18 2021 Bristol Dirt V 1.0

    Credits: Mod: MENCS 2019 Logos: Google/Me/@kritz0ne for m&m's logos Namerail: @MG06Design Base: Me Number: DiecastCharv B-Pillar: Google/@RacerMoon for J.D. Gibbs logo
  12. TNTMan93

    2007 David Gilliland #38 M&M's 2-Pack 1.0

    I scoured the web for the Shrek car for days to use in my "Idiots of NASCAR" series finale; only to realize 2007 was an odd year for NR2003 and a lot of schemes were never created. So I was able to get an M&M base from RAH and created these two schemes for the #38 Ford Fusion myself. They are...
  13. CamryBunny

    Kyle Busch #18 2013 Pocono 2 V 1.0

    Mod: Gen6BR Logos: Google/Me/@kritz0ne Namerail: @stEvN Base: Me Number: @DiecastCharv Templates: The Bullring B-Pillar: Google
  14. BLyonsDesign

    Mars Throwback Pack 1.0

    13 fictional throwback schemes honoring Mars's time in NASCAR as well as Kyle Busch's time in the 18. Even if you aren't the biggest fan of his I hope you enjoy this set honoring one of the most iconic partnerships in NASCAR history. I recommend downloading the 2015 Crispy M&M's throwback...
  15. BLyonsDesign

    M&M's 75th Anniversary Characters 1.0

    The characters seen on Kyle Busch's cars in 2016 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of M&M's. Each piece is a separate layer (and is still a smart object) which makes the characters posable. In some software the layers may be flattened but it shouldn't be much of an issue since they're set in the...
  16. TheFlynnZone

    NCS22 Scheme - Katrina Goode 2002 1.0

    A special scheme for you all, it's the iconic Katrina Goode fantasy scheme that EA cooked up for Thunder 2002 but with a twist, utilizing the 2002 versions of the Valvoline and M&M's paint schemes that MB2/V fielded in the... well 2002 season. Enjoy. Credits: Base: Myself, Kiani Template &...
  17. NicoCars

    Kyle Busch 2022 M&M'S throwback 1

    Credits: Logos: Google Characters: 1998 Splash N Go mod scheme Template: FCRD M&M's on the roof: kritz0ne Number: DiecastCharv Tell me if i forgot to credit anything beacuse idk if that's all. This is the scheme that Kyle ran today at Darlington and sadly got wrecked by Brad...
  18. NicoCars

    Kyle Busch rear wheel logos 1

    I thought to myself to do this so here you go. Credits: Logos: Google.
  19. NicoCars

    Kyle Busch M&M's 2021 Playoff pack-MENCS19 2

    Credits: Original base: Hendrick9Fan Logos: Brown M&M Character: https://pngimg.com/image/91944 Green M&M Character: https://www.jayski.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2021/10/4/2021-talladega-2-18-scaled.jpg Nascar racecar playoff and rear logos: Google
  20. BLyonsDesign

    Modernized Katrina Goode 1.0

    Remember Katrina Goode from NASCAR Thunder 2003? This is her now. Feel old yet? CREDITS: Template: Splash N Go Numbers: Big Evil Racing (With my own edits) Logos: Various sources through Google Images Pit crew template: Phantom17 M&M's characters: pngimg M&M's candies: me