Dr. Noise Paints - New 1992 High Resolution Carset Progress

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Jul 19, 2016
Sometimes, the internet delivers. As is tradition, I wasn't necessarily looking for the white 27 car, but finally something for it exists at all. Next step. Figuring out what it is that's under the word 'Race' and possibly what's in between the last X in max and the number. Whomever in a previous message suggested that maybe the 27 was Aardvark, looks like you were right! This photo is scanned huuuuge. So, anyone interested in trying to identify, click the image a couple times to see it in all its glory.

**EDIT: I think that the decal in between Maxx & the number is just the RE contingency. Weird place for it.

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The logo between the X and the number is the old Racing Electronics logo.

Dr. Noise

Well-Known Member
Hot Pass Member
Jan 4, 2017
H.B. Bailey complete! He attempted only a couple races in 1992, both at Michigan. Qualified into one of them.

There was a 35 car, driven by Bill Venturini in '92, but he DNQ'd each attempt. So, there's not really any specific photos or video of his car as it would have been. So, unless something magically appears, we'll skip 'em. DNQ's aren't priority and we'll have a good number of them still painted in the end, anyway.

36 - H.B. Bailey - 1992.png
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Well-Known Member
Hot Pass Member
Mar 14, 2022
H.B. Bailey complete! He attempted only a couple races in 1992, both at Michigan. Qualified into one of them.

There was a 35 car, driven by Bill Venturini in '92, but he DNQ'd each attempt. So, there's not really any specific photos or video of his car as it would have been. So, unless something magically appears, we'll skip 'em. DNQ's aren't priority and we'll have a good number of them still painted in the end, anyway.

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Remarkable job as usual. About Bill Venturini, I've done some researches as much as I could. Apparently, Venturini was sponsored by Amoco in those attempts. Luckily I've found some pictures from 1990-1991 of his 35 car. Now, to be fair, I'm not 100% sure if his 1992 Cup car kept pretty much unaltered this paintscheme. But still, it could give an idea of the base scheme. I'll put down here even his yellow ARCA car with number 25.



Well-Known Member
Hot Pass Member
Mar 14, 2022
Going into the 37 car, apart from Randy Porter, here's Rick Carelli. In 1992 season, Carelli made his first official Winston Cup Series start, after he DNQ'd in 1991 season. Carelli started 37th and spun off after a few laps in the race, then he retired on lap 57 of 74 due to damages to the back end. After this race, Carelli qualified 28th at Phoenix, but he retired after just 1 lap due to handling (!!!???:D :D :D) "problems".

Carelli Sonoma 5.png

Carelli Sonoma 1.png
Carelli Sonoma 2.pngCarelli Sonoma 3.pngCarelli Sonoma 4.pngRick-Carelli-300x150.jpg


Well-Known Member
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Feb 2, 2018
Here's a larger version:


Dr. Noise

Well-Known Member
Hot Pass Member
Jan 4, 2017
Line check! These lines fall into the unreliable zones. Gotta check 'em on the track to make sure they line up. Needed a couple of line nudges and they were good to go. I am in contact with the fellow who decalled/designed Rick's cars, so he's given me great details on pretty much every inch of this car. If only that was available for every car!


Dr. Noise

Well-Known Member
Hot Pass Member
Jan 4, 2017
Rick Carelli is good to go! Feel free to click on the photo to see it larger and in better detail. It's weird to draw a line through a sponsor on purpose.

I also frequently forget to remove stickers/vinyl/etc. from the fuel filler inlet area before I take these photos. I already removed it from this one after the fact.

37 - Rick Carelli - 1992.png
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Well-Known Member
Hot Pass Member
Mar 14, 2022
Line check! These lines fall into the unreliable zones. Gotta check 'em on the track to make sure they line up. Needed a couple of line nudges and they were good to go. I am in contact with the fellow who decalled/designed Rick's cars, so he's given me great details on pretty much every inch of this car. If only that was available for every car!

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That's quite some lucky call! Glad that Carelli's car is good to go, great job as usual. Looking at the numbers, it seems that nobody raced with 38, 39 and 40 that year at the moment. So I think it's the turn of Greg Sacks on the 41 car, 20 races done on a Chevrolet. Then we had Dave Marcis for 7 races and Hut Stricklin for 2 starts (where he switched to Ford for the Hooters 500 if I'm correct).
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Dr. Noise

Well-Known Member
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Jan 4, 2017
Figured I'd post an update on the 41. I have a lot of photos of this car. I have noticed in most non-Daytona 500 photos I have that something is written on the trunk. Unfortunately every single photo I have doesn't show what's there for proper confirmation. Oh well. Below is the Daytona car. Marcis' version is a wee bit different. I think it has the trunk sponsor. Whatever it might be. I haven't looked at either of Hut's last 2 race versions yet too closely yet. I know I'm not looking forward to running all these lines across the T-bird version's nose. It's a pain in the ass. T-Bird's nose really likes to bend lines all wonky.


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