This is The Moon, a track attempt by Me and Me AKA Monkeyape and is now at v0.901 CHARLIE.
I did my best trying to make this track and I think it is just about ready for a CHARLIE release. This is intended to be a different track from Sugar Rush, as the objects and textures are in different places. So please DO NOT remove administrator(s).
Here Are Some Images
Moon (Day)
Moon (Night)
Any help/advice on track making or improvements would be great. You can comment on what you think but bare in mind it might take time to fix the issues.
This is also customisable, there are a couple of new skies to choose from; see features
I have recently learned how to retexture mips and transparency, but not the PINK transparency.
New Features So Far
-New objects from Arctic Wasteland II and Zoon's Moon, and GPL Moon By Richard Neville
-New Sounds on some objects (if these are irritating just delete which ones they are). Place these in your sound folder. I have louder versions (recommended) and make sure the sound effects are turned up to 100% in options.
-Crowd sounds added to grandstands in chicane.
-Night version also for HDRIs (Now has optional Trackmat)
-Night Mip Explorer for Night Version (Trackmats are left outside, you can use the day one of you want)
-Corner Markers in Yards (It’s easier to break for a corner now (need to finish the chicane one)
-Lights (Off for day on for night versions of the track)
-Please appreciate that it takes me time to do things.
-No More corner clipping at chicane! (Thank You John Norton)
-New Groveline (As seen in original track)
-New Grandstands
-Better Pit Lane
-Rosette Nebula sky, (optional) also if you find the reflections on the car too strong (especially since I do not have reshade to test it yet), then get a c_environ and s_environ and paste it into the track outside the DAT file. (More/additional sky files may now be a separate addon).
-New Layout
-New Chicane
-Huge Crater
-Extra Large Horizon (Now with The World and the Sun) (If YOU want extra larger horizons, get the ground.mip, sky.mip, horiz.3do, sky.3do and twelve equal sized pieces as mips. (3dos Comes from WCR or Monaco NR2003 (Also used Here)
-A version with the original sky is also included.
-Cynon’s sky from IcePlanet 2002/Starlight Speedway (optional) see folder add this to outside the DAT file.
Sounds are included, you can rename these to be crowd or announcer if needed.
I have included .wav sound files ready to be used with objects extracted from the original track. To use these, you have to apply them to your object within the track you are working on; they do not work by just placing them in your sound folder.
In sandbox when in the Object Placement View, click on your object that you want the sound on, then in Track Side Object Properties, notice the column that says sound file.
In that box you then write the exact same name as your desired sound, but remember to put .wav at the end of it or it will not work (or a different file extension if necessary). Finally place the sounds in your sound folder after saving the track correctly.
I keep a folder named Track Add-on Sounds to keep track of each track sounds, then have a folder named All with all the add-on sounds so when I switch between different sounds,
I could just copy and paste that into the current sound folder I am using.
A huge benefit of this is the sounds play constantly instead of just the start of a race (as long as you are driving or in replay, at live feed).
Let me know if sounds are working on your PC if using them, some sound/sound packs may or may not make all of these play but it is worth a shot.
I have used “x_” then “sound_name” as my files for easy location; please let me know if there is any issue regarding same technique/names as others.
-If you have a conflict with or cannot not load track, remove the customisations folder from the Sugar Rush as they may not work together.
-Yellow flags not tested, and half pace lap is removed due to crossing of cars. If you want this fully working please let me know and I will fix it.
-Start Lights not working yet, has inferno pool light, which only work in the night version.
Recommended Setups (If sim files not working check these for no over-revving)
For Four Gears (From Default Watkins Glen)
Grille Tape 30%
Spoiler 70°
Diff Ratio 4.000
1) 1.875
2) 1.400
4) 0.923
Steering Ratio 20:1
For Six Gears (Form Silverstone 1967 PWF)
Grill Tape 45%
Spoiler 70°
Diff Ratio 3.000
1) 2.625
2) 1.900
4) 1.333
5) 1.182
6) 1.000
Steering Ratio 16:1
To Do
-Cameras, the grid (and standing starts if I’m lucky), and pit entry if needed.
-2D animation (HARD), because of absolutely no tutorials or videos on PSG scripting.
-A Moving spaceship
-3D world (mainly for moon version using Cynon’s world), which may or may not be included in sugar, making this track different, I have a horizon now anyway.
-More Objects, Billboards, re-textured if possible.
Original Textures are from a free track from GPL
A new release will come soon enough.
Track was too large to upload, you have to put track part two inside of part one or the sugar folder. If track does not load with customisations inside of it then leave it out.
My Tracks Are Free to Edit
I am using textures that are free from other tracks, so yes you can use them. This track is packed with Make DAT, you will need DatX to open it. If you want to edit this track before I finish it, go ahead, I find the INI especially tricky.
-Cynon's 3dos from Burlington (If your stuff is not free I will change them)
-Original Textures and Objects by Richard Neville AKA Luna Original Track Here
-Terminal Reality (Start Light)
-Wild Custom Cars (John Norton's) LP lines + Got rid of corner clipping, whelin Lights, flaggerstand, and more (Thank You) If you have the skills of making a track but cannot do LP lines like me, ask SprintRace92 or NKnight (JNorton) on stunod. However, I still would have a go myself.
-Zoon (Sounds And Objects)
If you’re not mentioned, contact meandme on stunod and I’ll include you in the credits.
Download only available on Stunod
Download Was Also Advertised Here (Armory Digital) (EFR)
(Reddit) (SRMZ) (The Race Department)
Thanks for downloading, and I will catch you in the next one.