I responded to a thread
Ai Keep hitting wall at certain tracks
Las Vegas 2020 Night was one of the tracks. I noted the ai pitting was wonky. I did this pit fix for Las Vegas 2020 Night, 10/19/2021, but I didn't post the fix.
NOTE: It requires a new ptf to get pit road subsurfaces correct. (I did not fix the day track.)
These are the pitting track.ini changes.
[ pit_lane_0 ]
; AI stuff
merge_from_pit_line_dlong = 1000.0 ; dlong at which cars leaving pits will merge to race line
merge_to_pit_line_dlong = 1400.00 ;1700.0 ; dlong at which cars entering pits will merge to pit line
merge_to_pit_line_length = 450.0 ;410.0 ; length of merge window
pit_lane_end_dlong = 278.500000 ; dlong where pit lane proper ends
pit_lane_start_dlong = 2112.0 ;2175.00 ; dlong where pit lane proper begins
slow_pit_line_dlat_offset = 3.0 ;6.0 ; track-specific dlat_offset of 2nd slower pit line (0 if N/A)
stall_exit_goal_dlat_offset = -4.5 ;-5.0 ; goal dlat offset (+ left) for the pit stall exit cubic line
stall_exit_goal_dlong_offset = 8.0 ; goal dlong offset (ahead) for the pit stall exit cubic line
begin_stall_entry_offset = 20.0 ; offset at which to begin entering the pit stall
begin_stall_approach_offset = 80.0 ; offset at which to begin approaching the pit stall
lane_merge_dlong = 1000.00 ; Dlong which you must remain on the apron when exiting the pits
; race control stuff
lane_on_right = 0 ; 0 if on left, 1 if on right
lane_has_wall = 0 ; 0 no wall, 1 has wall
speed_limit_MPH = 45.0
; pace car
begin_pacestall_entry_offset = 35.0 ; offset at which to begin entering the pit stall
begin_pacestall_approach_offset = 55.0 ; offset at which to begin approaching the pit stall
pacestall_exit_goal_dlong_offset = 12.0 ; goal dlong offset (ahead) for the pit stall exit
pacestall_exit_goal_dlat_offset = -3.0 ; goal dlat offset for the pit stall exit
stall_pace = 305.43 32.39 -0.00
; special stalls
stall_qual_exit = 259.40 34.50 -0.22
; regular stalls
stall_0 = 238.12 44.70 -0.23
stall_1 = 229.10 46.98 -0.24
stall_2 = 219.99 49.25 -0.25
stall_3 = 210.97 51.55 -0.26
stall_4 = 201.75 54.14 -0.27
stall_5 = 191.70 56.85 -0.27
stall_6 = 181.37 59.58 -0.26
stall_7 = 170.95 61.95 -0.25
stall_8 = 160.40 64.30 -0.24
stall_9 = 149.89 66.39 -0.23
stall_10 = 139.00 68.30 -0.22
stall_11 = 128.50 70.40 -0.22
stall_12 = 117.99 72.45 -0.21
stall_13 = 106.86 74.45 -0.20
stall_14 = 88.20 77.59 -0.18
stall_15 = 77.03 79.15 -0.16
stall_16 = 65.60 80.62 -0.14
stall_17 = 54.25 81.85 -0.12
stall_18 = 42.26 82.90 -0.09
stall_19 = 30.67 83.60 -0.07
stall_20 = 19.00 84.15 -0.04
stall_21 = 7.15 84.40 -0.02
stall_22 = 2399.10 84.45 0.00
stall_23 = 2387.40 84.25 0.03
stall_24 = 2375.79 83.75 0.06
stall_25 = 2364.17 83.05 0.09
stall_26 = 2352.35 82.07 0.11
stall_27 = 2340.70 80.85 0.14
stall_28 = 2329.13 79.39 0.16
stall_29 = 2318.35 77.65 0.17
stall_30 = 2299.25 74.74 0.19
stall_31 = 2288.35 72.90 0.20
stall_32 = 2277.61 70.77 0.21
stall_33 = 2267.09 68.66 0.21
stall_34 = 2256.50 66.87 0.22
stall_35 = 2245.90 64.72 0.23
stall_36 = 2235.45 62.45 0.24
stall_37 = 2224.80 60.33 0.24
stall_38 = 2214.50 58.04 0.25
stall_39 = 2204.50 55.50 0.26
stall_40 = 2194.05 52.80 0.27
stall_41 = 2185.15 50.45 0.27
stall_42 = 2176.28 48.05 0.26
stall_43 = 2160 43 0.27 ; bogus stall
stall_44 = 2147 40 0.27 ; bogus stall
stall_45 = 2131 36 0.27 ; bogus stall
stall_46 = 2120.75 35 0.27 ; bogus stall - begin pit speed at pit entry line/cone
[ pit_lane_1 ]
; AI stuff
merge_from_pit_line_dlong = 1000.0 ; dlong at which cars leaving pits will merge to race line
merge_to_pit_line_dlong = 1700.0 ; dlong at which cars entering pits will merge to pit line
merge_to_pit_line_length = 410.0 ; length of merge window
pit_lane_end_dlong = 278.500000 ; dlong where pit lane proper ends
pit_lane_start_dlong = 2114.500000 ; dlong where pit lane proper begins
slow_pit_line_dlat_offset = 6.0 ; track-specific dlat_offset of 2nd slower pit line (0 if N/A)
stall_exit_goal_dlat_offset = -5.0 ; goal dlat offset (+ left) for the pit stall exit cubic line
stall_exit_goal_dlong_offset = 8.0 ; goal dlong offset (ahead) for the pit stall exit cubic line
begin_stall_entry_offset = 20.0 ; offset at which to begin entering the pit stall
begin_stall_approach_offset = 80.0 ; offset at which to begin approaching the pit stall
lane_merge_dlong = 1000.00 ; Dlong which you must remain on the apron when exiting the pits
; race control stuff
lane_on_right = 0 ; 0 if on left, 1 if on right
lane_has_wall = 0 ; 0 no wall, 1 has wall
speed_limit_MPH = 45.0
; regular stalls
stall_0 = 273.00 37.12 -0.23 ; bogus stall - end pit speed at pit exit line/cone
stall_1 = 266.33 38.52 -0.23 ; bogus stall
stall_2 = 257.62 40.07 -0.23 ; bogus stall
stall_3 = 247.62 42.29 -0.23 ; bogus stall
stall_4 = 238.12 44.79 -0.23 ; bogus stall